Essential Support for Your Career
Since becoming a registered music therapist in 1999, I have worked in various settings, and experienced the rollercoaster ride that seems to be an accepted part of being a health care worker. What I've learned so far is that reliable, empathic and knowledgable support is essential to any healthy, long term career in the health & helping professions. So, now that's the service I offer - so you can get off the rollercoaster too.
The official stuff...
Master of Mental Health Science - Monash University
Post Grad Diploma of Music Therapy - University of Qld
Bachelor of Music - Queensland Conservatorium of Music
Diploma of Business - Swinburne University
Diploma of Counselling - AIPC
Advanced Certificate in Supervision - The Supervision Centre UK
Registered Music Therapist (RMT) - Australia
Accredited Music Therapist (MTA) - Canada
Supervision Working Group Member - Australian Music Therapy Association
Speaker and guest lecturer at Australian and international conferences, workshops and universities