Time & Location
01 Oct 2024, 9:00 am AEST – 29 Oct 2024, 5:00 pm AEDT
About the event
Successful Supervision is a live online, five day, comprehensive supervision training course for allied health professionals, based on the work of Michael Carroll PhD. It is developed and presented by Natalie Jack, a leader in allied health supervision in Australia.
Dates and Times
The October 2024 course will be held on every Tuesday in October - the 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. Each day will run from 9:00am until 5:00pm, Melbourne, Australia time.
Payment Options
To pay in full, select the 'Full Payment' option and pay only $1700 ($100 discount).
To create a Payment Plan, click on 'View More Price Options' then select the 'Payment Plan' option. You will be charged $600 today, and then emailed two (2) further invoices, each one (1) month apart, and each for an additional $600. The total cost will be $1800. The email you use to enrol will be the one the Payment Plan invoices are sent to.
Terms and Conditions
For full information, terms and conditions, please see the 'In Case You're Wondering . . .' FAQ section on the main Successful Supervision course page.